Contact Us

* To everybody who will order original handmade goods.

 The phone number (the number easy to be able to contact) and a brand name (the name carried by introduction of goods) have write the easy design clearly, and please send a mail.

 Have a question mail write the contents clearly about the order which isn't carried by introduction of goods, and please send a mail.

 You inform of a in-depth meeting by the telephone or a mail more than the person in charge.


 I'll give you trouble, but give my best regards, please.


[Favor to the customer doing domain setting (reception refusal setting)]

The mail, the order confirmation mail and the shipping off mail I'll send to the mobility and the PC from us in case of the customer doing domain setting (reception refusal setting), it isn't possible to file a report.

You released domain setting, or whether it's held would like to ask you to add our domain "" to a reception list.

When being mobile, when you don't release domain refusal, a customer doesn't receive a guide mail from us. It's trouble, but domain refusal release, please.


In the mail sentences the customer using a PC will send from us, too, Uniform Resource Locator, it's included, setting of mail software can't receive.

Reception permission setting of the mail software you're using in that case is needed.

It's trouble very much, but please confirm the mail setting method.

The case they can enter is in the unsolicited commercial E-mail folder, so please check it.


I'll give you trouble, but please take care.


メモ: * は入力必須項目です

Memo : * is input required item